Healthy life from Safe Drinking water

Filter water is most important as it cleans water at various extents which is accessible to homes, agricultural, public and private aquariums and swimming pools and many more ways. Is Drinking Filtered Water Safe? Yes, it is as Water filters helps to remove contamination of the water by physical barriers which are fine and sometimes   chemical or biological process

Methods of filtration:

Various methods are followed for filtration which includes screen filters, disk filters, media filters, slow sand filters, rapid sand filters and cloth filters some time biological filters like scrubbers of algae.

Portable water filters – This kind of water filters are used by the hikers and sometimes militaries on the go. They are small in size and easy to carry they are portable for the movements. They are functioned by the hand pump which is mechanical some are like drip siphon which will help to force water while some are designed in water bottles. The contaminated water is pumped through a screen filter which is attached to silicone tube which is specialized to a filter finally it will end up in a container. The filter works as removing agents to remove microbial cysts, bacteria, protozoa which causes deadly diseases. Some filters have a mesh which should be cleaned frequently or replaced frequently some ceramic waters area filters get clogged without side impurities.

water filter experiment

Point of use filters – These are home use filters in which activated granular carbon filters which helps to remove microporous ceramics, metallic alloys, depth filters, carbon filters, microfiltration, carbon block resin and ultrafiltration layers or membranes. Some are advanced filter which use more than one filter. There are some common filters which do not remove arsenic, fluorides, perchlorates, bacteria, chlorides, sodium and virus. They are added with this filter to remove the particles.

Summing up:

The water filters should never be confused with other devices which do the same function of disinfecting of water which will remove   and kill viruses, hepatitis A, rotavirus. Water filters helps to remove contamination of the water by physical barriers which are fine and sometimes   chemical or biological process.

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