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How to Do a Construction Clean-Up in Phoenix, AZ

Construction cleanups are a common sight in the construction industry. If you’re the project’s property manager or general contractor, you should understand how and when to perform them. Construction projects require routine attention, and cleaning up after yourself is no easy feat. The dirty work needs to be done quickly and efficiently so that the project can go on schedule and get built again soon. With that in mind, it’s essential to have an effective cleanup plan in place so that the finished product doesn’t attract moisture, oils, paint strippers, sandbags, or other undesired materials during construction.

Resolving construction problems can be challenging at times, but performing your weekly cleanup routine is one of the best ways to keep projects on schedule and ensure a positive outcome for all parties involved. Ensure you have an effective Cleanup Plan before starting any new construction project. Here are some helpful tips:

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If you’re a property manager, make sure you have an effective Cleanup Plan before starting any new construction project.


Assess the Project Area

First, it’s essential to look at the entire project site and assess what needs to be cleaned up. It’s also necessary to identify potential hazards such as exposed wires or holes in foundation walls. It’s also important to note that sometimes the roofing materials can be very slippery and dangerous if you are working on a roof. If you have any concerns about access, safety, or liability issues, then contact your local building department for further information.

Next, understand how much material is on site. This can include construction debris (such as lumber), paint, and other materials from past jobs. You want to gather all of this up to be disposed of properly later on in the process. This is also where you should check for hazardous materials such as asbestos or lead-based paint that may need further attention from professionals at your local hazardous waste disposal facility.


Determine when the Project Is Complete

After thoroughly assessing the area and gathering all of your debris, it’s time to turn your attention toward the project itself and determine when it is complete enough for cleanup purposes. Some projects will require more attention than others depending on how long they have been completed and what needs to be done next, like painting or staining any unfinished areas of the home or business structure. This is a good time also to determine who will be doing the actual cleanup and how many people are needed for the job.


Review the Project for Inclusions

Once you have determined what needs to be done, it’s essential to review the project again with your team members at this point to ensure that everyone understands what needs to happen next. This is where you will likely have a few questions about what needs to be done next, who is responsible for doing it, and any other final thoughts on the project. Everyone must have an opportunity to speak up in these meetings, so there isn’t confusion later on during cleanup operations.


Determine Who Will Do the Cleanup

Next, you will want to determine who will do the cleanup work and what order they should do it. You may need some help moving heavy materials or removing paint from surfaces, so you may want to consider hiring additional workers or subcontractors at this point if necessary. You can also ask your local building department for recommendations on how many people are typically needed for construction clean up services in Phoenix, AZ, and how long they take. If this is your first time working with a contractor, find out about their experience and qualifications, and insurance coverage before making any decisions about hiring them for this project.

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